Kirkland Lake Gold

Technology Roadmap
Electrical / Instrumentation

BESTECH’s experts have extensive experience in collaborating with mining clients to develop Technology Roadmaps.

Our team worked closely with the KLG corporate team to create a technology roadmap for the mining operations at Fosterville in Australia and at the Macassa and Detour Mines in Ontario, Canada.

We provided support and guidance for the development of technology roadmaps along with a corporate strategy and vision that fit with the organization’s culture, risk tolerance and aspirations.

The KLG roadmap aligned to the envisioned future state objectives for the operations, including:

  • Connected mining operations
  • Realtime tracking and control of mining operations
  • Regional operations centers
  • Tele-remote and autonomous mining processes
  • Global mining excellence center
  • Minimizing mine waste disposal on surface
  • Net zero water consumption in mines
  • Energy-efficient and low-carbon mining operations
  • Fossil fuel-free mining operations
  • Optimize the mining processes

The KLG roadmap is supported by a governance process for including new solutions and applications. This includes a RACI matrix outlining those responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each step in the roadmap’s annual updating process. We developed a supporting organizational structure with key responsibilities and job descriptions for the roll-out of the roadmap projects.

A high-level schedule and the milestones for the key projects were created, along with an outline of the benefits per project and main applications. Our work was further complemented with an impact/effort assessment, integrating the project costs and revenue impacts within the Life of Mine Plans and a change management strategy for stakeholder engagement and successful implementation.